Sacred Heart Studios

Sacred Heart Studios is a custom design tattoo studio specializing in unique and original creations. All of our artists are experienced professionals with their own individual art style.


Meet the Crew

click their Instagram handle to view their portfolio


MATT HOLT |@mattholtart

VHEXI |@vhexi

JOSH ROBINSON | @joshrobinson_art

JOSH BROWN | @joshbrown_tattoos

Devynn Priest @priest_tattoo

Black and grey dove descending from heaven on to a sacred heart with thorns and roses

PATRICK BRITTAN | @patrickbrittan

Bri Craiglow | @bricraiglow

Joe Pagoria @tic.tat.joe

how to book a TATTOO appointment

Artist at Sacred Heart Studios are INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS that call SHS home. Each artist has their own schedules and calendars and reply to their clients between drawing and needle time. SHS can assist you in contacting the artist you’d like to work with. Text your first and last name, a phone number and the artist name to 507-271-4954 (TATTOO ONLY) and someone will get back to you within 5 business days.